Saturday, January 28, 2012

My day!

Why is it when you finally get you want, you don't know what to do with it? I had been wanting a Saturday to myself, free of my child, for so long that I cannot remember having it any other way. Either I was alone with him, or the three of us stayed home together. If only there was Saturday daycare for a few hours, I could get my nails done. If only my husband were home to watch him, I could visit some friends or go shopping... for me. So why was it that my husband was not only home, but he volunteered to take our son to a movie with another dad. They were gone all day, Yet, I was not able to think of one single thing that I really wanted to do - so I stayed home.

1 comment:

  1. I am not being completely true! By 5 o'clock I had happened upon a dear, dear friend and blogger from the neighborhood. I actually dropped by her house for a bit. But the problem was that my husband came home at the same time and he looked at me like I was crazy for wanting to step out as soon as they returned. I don't know if it's because I had had all day and waited until late to leave, or if he wanted me to cook dinner... hmmm, maybe he was just ready to pass our son off to me. (Which was all the more reason to leave.) LOL
